
One, simple, summary "picture" for employee talent management.

What if you could literally "see" the gaps in your employees for development and career planning?

Over 25 Million Profiles in over 35 years! We have statistically predictive employee models for comparing your employees to high performers.

Collecting talent management data on over 25 million employees for over 35 years, we've got the "picture" of high performers in many of your jobs and in your industry. You can use this data, compared to your own employees' profiles, to target their development, succession planning and even mentoring, for outstanding bottom line impact.

Assessing your employees with our assessments allows you to compare and contrast your encumbants and candidates with these models to determine, statistically, key characteristics that determine high performance, not just describe their behavior like the majority of other assessments on the market. 

We offer more than 70 on line psychometric assessments tailored to a variety of job roles and industries. This foundational work has been conducted by the researchers at Self Management Group of Toronto, Canada, for which SMART WORK | Network is a Master Distributor in the USA.

For more detailed information on our assessments go here

self management group

Our Assessment is Different



measures behavior & situational traits measures hard-wired inherent traits
ipsative ("forced choice") testing normative (range-based) testing
may not compare people legally compare groups & individuals
not to be used for employee selection/ hiring can be normed / validated to a specific culture, job or manager for legal selection
requires psychologist easy for managers to interpret for hiring, coaching, development, mentoring
descriptive of behaviors predictive of performance and retention
must retest for different situations one time test data useful for entire employee life cycle

We measure potential success!

These are only a few of our many, many success stories of organizations who have adopted the SMART WORK | ASSESSMENTS.

"SMART WORK | ASSESSMENTS are now the standard by which we select our high performers."
R.T. Dunlap
CEO of Countybank
"Having spent over 20 years interviewing with the same old 'crap shoot' methods, finding a predictive, normative assessment was a revelation."
Scott Crandall
Former Sales Training Manager at Michelin
"We've seen veterans pick up the pace because of the new employees' stronger enterprising and independence traits."
J. Philip Bell
President and CCO of Greenwood Capital Associates